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What Makes a Sermon Good? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on October 22nd, 2019

Sermons are more than a transfer of facts and stories. They are a part of worship that God uses to work miracles in both the preacher and the people. What’s the purpose of a sermon? What is the preacher trying to accomplish? While ministering in Belfast, I heard Pastor John answer this question by saying, “The preacher’s job is for people to know God and to find him more satisfying than food, sex, money, sports, or media. They’re idolaters if they don’t.” Wow — powerful language about the urgency of the preacher’s task. He’s not a stand-up comedian trying to get laughs. He’s not a stage performer trying to out-entertain the overstimulated attention span of Netflix addicts. He’s seeking after eternal things to grab hold of the hearts of his people in order for them to find more joy in the Giver than in the gifts of the Giver. That’s the task of the preacher. Here’s the full clip from Ireland. Keith Getty is leading a conversation with Pastor John about his recent book on preaching. Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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