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Does the Bible Say I Am Unique? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on July 12th, 2021

God knitted each of us together in our mother’s womb. Does that mean we are each unique, unlike any other person God created? A friend of mine in high school drove an old, rusty car. And on that old, rusty car was a rather snarky bumper sticker. In big font it read, “You’re unique!” And then in smaller font underneath it read, “Just like everyone else.” It’s a witty line, but there’s an important question to be asked about human uniqueness. According to the Bible, are we each uniquely made? The question comes in from Dimitri, who lives in Sri Lanka. “Dear Pastor John, I’m a devoted listener to this podcast and an avid reader of your books. I’ve found so much clarity to many theological questions I’ve struggled with throughout my life. So thank you. But I have this remaining question: Did God make me unique? I have to assume there are a lot of people similar to me across the globe, and that I am rather un-unique in God’s eyes. I have come across plenty of Bible verses about how God created us for a specific providential purpose. There are others that speak of God’s intimacy. He knows the number of hairs on our head and every tear we cry. But does the Bible say I am unique compared to others? I can’t find any specific Bible verses to confirm it, and yet I’ve heard it affirmed by trusted preachers. But is it biblical? Is human uniqueness defensible from the Bible?” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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