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Finn – Our Heartbreaking Battle for Hope

A video published by Desiring God on July 19th, 2017

Jon and Allison Muedder’s 3-year-old son, Finn, has a rare genetic disease known as Hunter Syndrome. Children with Hunter Syndrome typically develop normally until sometime between the ages of two and five, and then they begin regressing physically and cognitively. Talking, walking, and eating each slowly fade away, and most of these boys and girls do not live to their tenth birthday. Instead of dreading the future, they are striving to choose joy, as impossible as it feels most days. And their testimony is that the only way for them to find joy in their circumstances has been to choose Jesus — to step into the ups and downs of an authentic walk with him. Only here have they been able to wrestle through the weight of their grief, while experiencing a joy that runs deeper than any pain — especially in the sweet moments they have with Finn now. Editor’s Note: Project Alive is a non-profit dedicated to funding the cure for Hunter Syndrome, but they need further funding to proceed with a clinical trial. For more information or to support the project, visit Video produced by Caravan. Directed by Christian Schultz.

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