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What’s Next for an Aging Pastor? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on March 27th, 2020

God never wastes his children. If you devote yourself to serving the Lord, he will never leave you without significant opportunities for good works. What’s next for an old pastor? We get this question on occasion. Here’s the most recent one in an email. “Hello, Pastor John! I’m 51 years old and have pastored the same church for seventeen years. I love being a pastor — and I wish I could never retire from this work. But I know this is probably not the best idea for the long-term health of my church. My question is this: What happens to us old pastors? What should happen to us? I don’t have a ministry like yours. I cannot publish a book any publisher would want. And I get no invitations to speak at conferences. What work is there for me to do?” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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