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How Much ‘Lover’ Language Should We Use in Worship Songs? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on October 6th, 2019

Our song choices influence our churches nearly as much as our sermons. If we don’t choose our music with care, we aren’t shepherding well. We talk worship lyrics on the podcast. You listeners are always sending us lyric questions. This is maybe the most polarizing genre of episodes we make. I’m sure most of you all remember our episode on the contemporary worship song “What a Beautiful Name” back in episode 1077. Or on the lyrics of the worship song “Reckless Love” in episode 1202. Well, today a listener named Robert writes in to ask this more general question. “Hello, Pastor John! I have noticed in my own church a rise in the ‘lover’ language in our contemporary worship songs. Scripture shows that marriage, and in some ways, sexuality, reflect something of Christ’s relationship with his people. Should we understand that in a purely corporate sense, or is it right for individuals to sing words like ‘I have felt your touch,’ or ‘Jesus, lover of my soul’? What place is there for the intimate, personal ‘lover’ language in corporate worship? And how much of this stems from allegorical interpretations of Song of Solomon?” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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