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How Do I Take Risks Without Being Unwise? // Ask Pastor John

A video published by Desiring God on March 13th, 2020

Jesus calls us away from self-protection and toward taking risks of love. To follow a sacrificial Savior is to give and sacrifice with him. How do we balance bold risk with wise safety? We don’t want to be foolishly daring, nor overly cautious, in our love to others. It’s a dilemma faced by an anonymous young woman. “Dear Pastor John, I am struggling to find balance with serving others. However, sometimes when I approach my husband about certain ideas to help others, he, and historically others (like my pastors and parents), have told me it might be unwise. Why is possibly risking your safety, financial comfort, and ease always considered unwise? “For example, I met a lady and her two children. They are in a really rough temporary situation pertaining to housing and money. My first instinct is to invite them into our home, free of charge, for as long as they might need. However, my husband said he wants to pray about it, and needs to know more about who she is and her background before we trust her in our home. This is where I struggle. What is there to pray about? Why should I hesitate when I see someone in need, even if I don’t really know them? When does wisdom or safety undermine God-centered trust in our risk-taking?” Read or listen to this interview at our website: Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes:

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